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"The management training we took at the Hubbard College has turned out to be a real lifesaver for us. Soon after our training we began applying it and the business flooded in. Anyone can have a successful business if they apply what they learn at the College. The management technology is simple, easy and fun, not to mention financially rewarding.""

— Alan and Sheila Atkinson-Baker
Court Reporting

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Posts Tagged ‘Successful’


Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

The Tools of Successful Selling

Over the years the Hubbard College has trained thousands of people on the rules of successful selling, and one of the most essential lessons to learn is that SELLING IS A TECHNOLOGY.

Selling at the highest levels is a highly accomplished skill based on four primary factors:

– Communication

– Emotions

– Control

– Interest

Although all of the factors named above are vital, communication is the most important.

By developing a customer relationship with communication, the ability to apply the technology of emotions, positively control a prospect through the steps of selling, and discover and expand interest, can be successfully accomplished.

Communication comes first, and then the rest of the tools of selling can be applied.